阿凡达游戏下载中“Scattered Shards and a Song”和...

首先选个女大兵,还有其他男的可选。 女大兵满心欢喜的来到前线,经过疑似长的很像异形女主角雷普莉告诫后
来到地狱门基地了 接待你的是坎德拉.米多里军官
此人专研生态系统,立志调整潘朵拉星的气候,希望人类可在此星不必带呼吸气生活。 看一下任务地图系统,非常容易上手 哇原来RDA(资源开发管理局)的内部就是网咖阿
在这上班真是好 接下来训练关先到附近泻湖看看 (基地中的军机) 第一堂课:欺负小动物 第二堂课:野外植物教学 第三堂课:破坏植物会有XP可赚。 (小心植物会伤人) 第四堂课:技能 功用 (纳美人版)
Elite Training精英训练:暂时移动加速和闪躲增强(Kinetic Dash动能冲击)
Chromtic Blend融色:隐形技(Pandora's union潘多拉联盟)
Ultrasonic Repulsor超音波退敌:被围时脱困用(Titan Bash泰坦之击)
Genetic Regenerator基因充电:自己补血(Eywa's Breath爱娃之息) 好漂亮的大丛林哦 这是RDA的短鼻鳄(PBR MARK IV Gator)巡河艇
游戏中可使用载具 Buggy IV 这是牛大便吗
原来是纳美人的传送器@@ 懒得跑图的人用的上 随着等级上升,解出特殊武器愈多 接下来坎德拉军官要我们变装成纳美人混入 并联络河内.哈波博士(Dr Rene Harper) 唉呀,有长颈马(Direhorse)可以骑了耶
(玩家可以试着把它弄抓狂,它的马后踢扫腿满强的) 原来哈波博士和他的助手全变装成纳美人了
任务:种植样本:取蓟花和杯状花的种子可获得4500点经验。 那我们就骑琑遥马纵身一跳~出去玩啰 小小任务利用地图一下就完成了
后来冒出个真的纳美人叫唐札拉(Tan Jala)说想见我
此人是伟大战士,曾任与人类接触的大使,但他对RDA破坏自然采矿的方式有意见 同时中校指挥官弗可Falco也来了。 此人身经百战。他说计划改变要我直接跟纵唐札拉找出谁是人类的叛徒。 跟着找没想到哈波博士竟是那唐札拉的接头对像
哈波博入研究纳美人发现他们比人类优秀于是早就加入他们 这下可好了
玩家得选边站了。小弟就先加纳美人好了。 哈波博士说纳美人不喜欢叛徒,我说装傻阿,我才刚跳槽来
Marali 说我叫Dreamwalker履梦者因为我会实现她们族人的梦现 再来见他们的酋长啦,依照小弟惯例,射一箭看看会怎样
结果没死人或红脖子事件,真无趣哩。 酋长长的很抱歉又对我不信任就不给它上相了 他给了我一个任务,叫漫步在云端
害我爬了很多山后,找到一只妖鸟(Ba hee)来骑
还好小弟也是破遍百款游戏,身经百战终于抓到绝窍。 这三款的操控飞行物体经验让小弟成长许多 这关要攻炮塔的
就把鸟垂降在附近 认命吧
继续要当纳美人,爬上爬下就牙咬着做 这关要打下这架人类的蝎式战斗机 没想到打下后 又来了一堆 自己就升天了 由于自己的身体毁了,也无法再变回人类的
让我想起柏德之门2 最后几关也在树上解决的场面 接下来的任务都是破坏人类设施。
没事就自己补血,搞隐形。连技累五下还可以瞬暴招 这关先帮位纳美人解了她同胞她就说出如何找到
Lungoray这位巫僧的位置此人长的真像潘神的迷官里那只... 很不幸的他一下就被爆头了
还好我国中几合数学很利害一下就解了这音乐题 纳美人是利用音乐和爱娃神沟通的 目前只取到一段音是不够的于是魔法阿妈又派我去找别的...
(等级愈高护具也提升) 先写到这边这样大家知道这游戏在玩啥了吧
B's Order:beyda'amo want s you to head north to report to Tan jala (8000)
(接下来是小弟摔死无数次的爬树大作战) Scared Ground:Tan Jala wants you to eliminate all corporation forces (8000)
The Bad Place:Amanti has asked you to eak with Beyda'amo at the RDA (8000)
The Vu'Long Trail:Amanti has sent you to collect the shard (8000)
(之后一直收集碎片打人类) Your Second Song:Tan Jala wants you to collet the willow's song (8000)
Home is Where I Bring the Song:Tan Jala wants you to talk to Tsahik in HomeTree (8000)
(人类机甲一样巴假的) Flight to Va'era Ramunong:Tan Jala i ists you fly to Va'sera (0)
Scattered Shards and a Song:Tan jala needs you to aid the local
Na'vi tribes so they'll help you locate the shareds (9000)
Steeping Up:Swawta needs you to secure the Na'vi village to the north (9000)
LifeLine:Mendala needs you to find Fmilam near the cliffs and
escort her back to the village (9000)
Go,Go:Tsaro has directed you to collect the shaed behind the village(9000)
(每收集三片碎片就要把柳树的子音带回去给母树) First Aid:Ukamtsu has asked you to gather cillaphant leaves to help heal a wounded Elder (9000)
A Tribe Reunited:Oloniwin has asked you to find the scattered hunters
and ask them to return to the tribe (9000) (这就是HomeTree最大的一颗) Rally point:Raltaw has asked you to return to Olonwin (9000)
A Shard Well-earned:Oloniwin wants you to enter the cave and collect the shaed (9000)
自己记录发现的奇珍异兽及鲜花绿草) Death Trap:Otamu has sent you to find beyda'amo to the north (9000)
Beyda'samo's Rage:
beyda'amo needs you to defeat RDA troo to the northest so he can
move survivors past the combat zone (9000)
The Decoy: Beyda'amo wants you to blow up the weapo crates
in the northern cave to divert attention from his own offe ive(9000)
Score! Beyda'amo wants you to help with the a ault and collect the shard(9000) Fight to Kxania Taw:Tan jala wants you to fly to Kxania Taw (0)
(死人直升机很烦,骑个马一直在后面扫射,得用重十字弓射下来) Pre ing ON:Beyda'amo wants you to collect the shared near the crash site(9000)
Shard Study:beyda'amo demands you steal the shard from southern
base while avoiding conflict (9000)
Bllodlust:Beyda'amo wants you to meet himoutside the main RDA camp.(9000)
Following the Herd:the Na'vi will drive a strubeest herd through the base's
front gate so you can enter.Once i ide kill RDA defenders and find the shared
A Fourth Song:you must tune the iwllow tree and collect the song (9000)
Hoetree Bound:Beyda'amo wants you to return to the hometree and deliver
the song to the Tsahik (9000)
A warrior's task:Beyda'amo want you to report to three Na'vi leaders(9000)
(接下来几关全是暗杀人类指挥官的,这些bo 还真难打,看一下瀑布美景) The Demolisher:Swawta wants you to find and kill Batista (9000)
The Commander:Hukato wants you to find and kill Wi low (9000)
The Specialist:Raltaw wants you to find and kill Savoy (9000)
Riding the Storm:fly to Tantalus to stop Falco (9000) (耶~飞行关又出现了) Marathon:March through the cave to find Amanti at the village(9000)
We Stand:Amanti has asked you to kill RDA forces to defiend the village(9000)
(只能骑几分钟的爽关...) Ni'awve Mokri:Amanti has sent you to find a way to get airborne to fly to the Well of Souls (9000)
(所有声音全集满直接骑大鸟送到灵魂之树 (发功后就全破,人类死光光。) 结局一整个鸟掉.... 我以为会有像电影最后大决战的画面哩..
(电影的决战画面) 之前听有人花20小全破,小弟只花8小时,扣除摸东摸西,大概6小时吧 为啥游戏不能像电影那样涂帅帅装阿 笔者最近太累晕到了....需要纳美人的关爱一下
(醒醒阿 作者大大~ ) 相关攻略
CopyRight 2008-2012
All Rights Reserved
日期:2010年1月15日 编辑:L
(等级愈高护具也提升) 先写到这边这样大家知道这游戏在玩啥了吧
B's Order:beyda'amo want s you to head north to report to Tan jala (8000)
(接下来是小弟摔死无数次的爬树大作战) Scared Ground:Tan Jala wants you to eliminate all corporation forces (8000)
The Bad Place:Amanti has asked you to eak with Beyda'amo at the RDA (8000)
The Vu'Long Trail:Amanti has sent you to collect the shard (8000)
(之后一直收集碎片打人类) Your Second Song:Tan Jala wants you to collet the willow's song (8000)
Home is Where I Bring the Song:Tan Jala wants you to talk to Tsahik in HomeTree (8000)
(人类机甲一样巴假的) Flight to Va'era Ramunong:Tan Jala i ists you fly to Va'sera (0)
Scattered Shards and a Song:Tan jala needs you to aid the local
Na'vi tribes so they'll help you locate the shareds (9000)
Steeping Up:Swawta needs you to secure the Na'vi village to the north (9000)
LifeLine:Mendala needs you to find Fmilam near the cliffs and
escort her back to the village (9000)
Go,Go:Tsaro has directed you to collect the shaed behind the village(9000)
(每收集三片碎片就要把柳树的子音带回去给母树) First Aid:Ukamtsu has asked you to gather cillaphant leaves to help heal a wounded Elder (9000)
A Tribe Reunited:Oloniwin has asked you to find the scattered hunters
and ask them to return to the tribe (9000)


