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SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark
This is SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark. This benchmark tests the
core JavaScript language only, not the DOM or other browser APIs. It
is designed to compare different versio of the same browser, and
different browsers to each other. Unlike many widely available
JavaScript benchmarks, this test is:
Real World
This test mostly avoids microbenchmarks, and tries to focus on
the kinds of actual problems developers solve with JavaScript today,
and the problems they may want to tackle in the future as the language
gets faster. This includes tests to generate a tagcloud from JSON
i ut, a 3D raytracer, cryptography tests, code decompre ion, and
many more examples. There are a few microbenchmarkish things, but they
mostly represent real performance problems that developers have
This test is balanced between different areas of the language and
different types of code. It's not all math, all string proce ing, or
all timing simple loo . In addition to having tests in many
categories, the individual tests were balanced to take similar amounts
of time on currently shi ing versio of popular browsers.
Statistically Sound
One of the challenges of benchmarking is knowing how much noise
you have in your measurements. This benchmark ru each test multiple
times and determines an error range (technically, a 95% confidence
interval). In addition, in comparison mode it tells you if you have
enough data to determine if the difference is statistically
Current Version
(When you run the benchmark, be patient - it loo through all of the
test cases five times and can take a minute or longer to complete.)
Previous VersioSelect Language:
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I have found an error
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1 year ago
GOD always has 3 replies to our prayers:
2."yes but not now"
3.i have better plan for you".
(there is never "no")
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Le o for Life
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Le o for WorkPhyloseminar: Locating protein-coding sequences under selection for additional, overla ing functio in 29 mammalian genomes
Next up on
Mike Lin eaks Tuesday, April 26
at 12pm PST on “Locating
protein-coding sequences under selection for additional, overla ing
functio in 29 mammalian genomes”
The degeneracy of the genetic code allows protein-coding DNA and RNA
sequences to simultaneously encode additional, overla ing functional
elements. A sequence in which both protein-coding and additional
overla ing functio have evolved under purifying selection should
show increased evolutionary co ervation compared to typical
protein-coding genes—e ecially at synonymous sites. We developed a
method to systematically locate short regio within known ORFs that
show co icuously low estimated rates of synonymous su titution,
based on phylogenetic codon rate models and likelihood ratio tests.
We a lied this method to genome alignments of 29 placental mammals,
resulting in more than 10,000 “synonymous co traint elements” (SCEs)
with resolution down to nine-codon windows. These are found within
more than a quarter of all human protein-coding genes and contain ~2%
of their synonymous sites. We collected numerous lines of evidence
that the o erved synonymous co traint in these regio reflects
selection on overla ing functional elements including licing
regulatory elements, dual-coding genes, RNA secondary structures,
microRNA target sites, and developmental enhancers. We also ruled out
certain alternative explanatio such as codon usage bias and neutral
rate variation.
Our initial results show that overla ing functional elements are
common in mammalian genes, de ite the vast genomic landscape.
Furthermore, anticipating the future availability of additional
mammalian and vertebrate genomes, we are currently developing Bayesian
codon modeling methods to measure synonymous rates at even higher
resolutio , perha eventually allowing the detection of individual
regulator binding sites embedded in protein-coding ORFs.
04:00 (04:00 AM) on Wednesday, April 27
New Zealand 07:00 (07:00 AM) on Wednesday, April 27
West Coast USA 12:00 (12:00 PM) on Tuesday, April 26
East Coast USA 15:00 (03:00 PM) on Tuesday, April 26
20:00 (08:00 PM) on Tuesday, April 26
21:00 (09:00 PM) on Tuesday, April 26
Joel Ei e erg
Very cool!
Incidentally, although the term “degeneracy” has been the accepted term for decades, in retro ect, “redundancy” of the genetic code might have been a clearer synonym.
Also, I
going to go out today and buy a bunch of Ed Hardy bikinis, Gucci sungla e , and Coach necklaces, but
I’m so offended by the am that I changed my mind!!!!!
Way to go, mingego, costing your clients sales.
At least they have the decency to read the post before amming these days.
[This comment, which was for some reason held for moderation, refers to a new wave of ammers who actually read the post and a ear to comment on it, though at least one got it exactly wrong.
The am comments have already been deleted.]
Of course it needs to be pointed out that this result is exactly what one would expect if eukaryotic genomes are the product of billio of years of random mutation and natural selection.
Now we have ten thousand more examples of chance events and cooptio that have shaped the genetic landscape.
This is evidence that can be i tantly be used to fight creationism whenever it rears its ugly head.
Once again, all the creationists can do is wave their hands in the air and claim that they “predicted” this all along and that this is exactly what an intelligent designer would do.
One wonders why, if this were indeed the case, they were not the ones doing the research and publishing the results?
I gue it’s just another case of:
“I do so love science, you do it”.
replied to
harold said:
Incidentally, although the term “degeneracy” has been the accepted term for decades, in retro ect, “redundancy” of the genetic code might have been a clearer synonym.
Also, I
going to go out today and buy a bunch of Ed Hardy bikinis, Gucci sungla e , and Coach necklaces, but
I’m so offended by the am that I changed my mind!!!!!
Way to go, mingego, costing your clients sales.
Well this just proves that if the genetic code was designed, it was designed by a degenerate.
I see the teabaggers got some money to send out more am.
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