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求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
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1 07-29-2009, 02:16 AM #
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求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
主 #39029 #19978 #21508 #33521 #38596 #30340 #23646 #24615 #37117 #26377;attack animatio #21644;casting animation2个 #21442 #25968;
比 #22914 #35828;VIPER的attack animatio #26159;0.33/1, #22312 #36825 #37324;0.33和1分 #21035 #20195 #34920 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605 #21602 #65311;
求 #21161 #19979; 谢 #35874 #20102; 07-29-2009, 02:21 AM #
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Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
虽 #28982 #25105 #23436 #20840 #19981 #35748 #35782 #36825 #20010;animation
但 #25105 #24819;.应 #35813 #26159 #26045 #27861 #2*** #25671 #21644 #21518 #25671 #20160 #20040 #30340;=.=
果 #28982;,查 #36807 #34920 #21518;,的 #30830 #26159 #2*** #25671 #21644 #21518 #25671;.
百 #24230 #20102 #19979;,animatio #26159 #21160 #30011 #30340 #24847 #24605;- -!
即 攻 #20987 #21160 #30011 #21644 #26045 #27861 #21160 #30011;.
__________________ Last edited by Joinmad; 07-29-2009 at
02:23 AM
07-29-2009, 02:21 AM #
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Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
就 #26159 #65306;
attack animation=攻 #20987 #28857;/攻 #20987 #21518 #25671;
近 #25112 #33521 #38596 #36215 #25163 #21040 #30446 #26631 #21463 #21040 #20260 #23475 #20013 #38388 #30340 #26102 #38388 #65288 #36828 #31243 #26159 #36215 #25163 #21040 #21457 #20986 #25237 #23556 #29289 #30340 #26102 #38388 #65289 #65292 #36825 #20004 #20010 #26102 #38388 #36234 #30701 #36234 #22909 #65292 #35828 #26126 #36215 #25163 #24555;

casting animation=施 #27861 #28857;/施 #27861 #21518 #25671;
同 #29702;
攻 #20987 #21160 #30011 #21487 #20197 #34987 #25915 #36895 #25552 #39640 #25152 #20248 #21270 #65306;+敏 #25463 #25110 #32773 #21152 #36895 #25163 #22871 #31867 #29289 #21697;
哦 #65292 #24536 #20102 #65292 #21518 #25671 #26159 #25915 #20987 #23436 #25104;/投 #23556 #29289 #23556 #20986;/施 #27861 #32467 #26463 #21518 #30340;Pose时 #38388 #65292 #21487 #20197 #21462 #28040;
By the great winds, I come..... Last edited by Nerf Me Plz; 07-29-2009 at
02:59 AM
07-29-2009, 02:36 AM #
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Jun 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
狭 #20041 #19978 #22522 #26412 #19978 #21487 #20197 #35828 #25104 #26045 #27861 #26102 #38388; 07-29-2009, 03:00 AM #
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Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
debu y12
狭 #20041 #19978 #22522 #26412 #19978 #21487 #20197 #35828 #25104 #26045 #27861 #26102 #38388;
一 #33324 #26045 #27861 #26102 #38388 #26159 #25351 #27801 #29579 #37027 #20004 #31186 #30340 #21535 #21809 #20043 #31867 #30340 #26102 #38388;
这 #20010 #26102 #38388;+CastingPoint才 #26159 #30495 #27491 #30340 #26045 #27861 #26102 #38388;
By the great winds, I come..... 07-29-2009, 03:42 AM #
Member Join Date:
Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
举 #20010 #20363 #23376 #65292; 就 #26159 #25293 #25293 #29066 #30340 #22320 #38663 #35201 #25353 #20102 #20197 #21518 #31561 #19968 #19979 #25165 #25918 #20986 #26469 #65292; 熊 #29483 #30340 #23601 #19981 #29992 #31561 #37027 #20040 #38271 #26102 #38388 #65292; 也 #23601 #26159 #35828 #25293 #25293 #30340;casting animatio #27604 #29066 #29483 #30340 #38271 #65292; 也 #21487 #20197 #21483;casting point靠 #21518 #12290;
221 point talent is to summon Kil'Jaeden. Costs 500% of Base mana, and all members of the 40-man raid must click the portal without moving and staying there for the full duration, which is 9 hours. Once summoned Kil'Jaeden will crash the server and fire a random Blizzard employee. Your account will be deleted and a virus will be downloaded onto your computer that generates a rox. 1 gig of child porn per second. After 90 gigs of CP is generated it will call the FBI, whilst emitting a new type of stellar radiation, that destroys the o-zone and alerts a warlike race of alie that Earth is ripe and ready for a culling. Costs 1 soulshard. 07-29-2009, 03:53 AM #
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Jun 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
原 #26469;viper的 #26045 #27861 #21518 #25671 #36825 #20040 #38271;.........hit&am run 果 #30495 #26159 #24517 #20462 #35838; 07-29-2009, 07:22 AM #
Member Join Date:
Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
举 #20010 #20363 #23376 #65292; 就 #26159 #25293 #25293 #29066 #30340 #22320 #38663 #35201 #25353 #20102 #20197 #21518 #31561 #19968 #19979 #25165 #25918 #20986 #26469 #65292; 熊 #29483 #30340 #23601 #19981 #29992 #31561 #37027 #20040 #38271 #26102 #38388 #65292; 也 #23601 #26159 #35828 #25293 #25293 #30340;casting animatio #27604 #29066 #29483 #30340 #38271 #65292; 也 #21487 #20197 #21483;casting point靠 #21518 #12290;
casting animation=casting point/casting backswing
By the great winds, I come..... 07-29-2009, 07:53 AM #
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Jun 2009
未 #26469 #39764 #37117;
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Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
attack animation
你 #20063 #21487 #20197 #29702 #35299 #20026 #65306;
你 #30475 #37027;LINA攻 #20987 #30340 #26102 #20505 #65292 #25163 #20174 #19979 #21040 #19978 #21040 #36523 #21518 #20877 #21040 #2*** #25918 #20986 #19968 #20010 #29699 #12290 #12290 #12290 #12290 #36825 #20010 #36807 #31243 #20854 #23454 #23601 #31639 #26159;At
tack animatio #12290;
其 #23454 #36825 #20010;ANIMATION就 #26159 #21160 #30011 #30340 #24847 #24605 #65292 #20294 #26159 #36825 #20123; ANIMATION应 #35813 #19981 #21487 #20197 #31216 #20026 #2***;/后 #25671 #65292 #21482 #33021 #35828 #23427 #20250;
影 #21709;
攻 #20987;/施 #27861 #30340 #25671 #25670 #38382 #39064 #12290;
Who said girls ca ot be dota pros?
PDIH专 #29992 #32676 #65306;2082996 07-29-2009, 08:01 AM #
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Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
attack animation
你 #20063 #21487 #20197 #29702 #35299 #20026 #65306;
你 #30475 #37027;LINA攻 #20987 #30340 #26102 #20505 #65292 #25163 #20174 #19979 #21040 #19978 #21040 #36523 #21518 #20877 #21040 #2*** #25918 #20986 #19968 #20010 #29699 #12290 #12290 #12290 #12290 #36825 #20010 #36807 #31243 #20854 #23454 #23601 #31639 #26159;At
tack animatio #12290;
其 #23454 #36825 #20010;ANIMATION就 #26159 #21160 #30011 #30340 #24847 #24605 #65292 #20294 #26159 #36825 #20123; ANIMATION应 #35813 #19981 #21487 #20197 #31216 #20026 #2***;/后 #25671 #65292 #21482 #33021 #35828 #23427 #20250;
影 #21709;
攻 #20987;/施 #27861 #30340 #25671 #25670 #38382 #39064 #12290;
你 #38169 #20102;
虽 #28982 #34987 #21483 #20570 #21160 #30011;
但Atk Animatio #23601 #26159;DamagePoint和DamageBackSwing两 #37096 #20998 #32452 #25104 #30340 #65292 #20320 #21487 #20197 #25226 #25915;
击 #29702 #35299 #25104 #19968 #20010 #21160 #30011 #65292 #30001 #36896 #25104 #20260 #23475 #65288 #36817 #65289;/放 #20986 #25237 #23556 #29289 #65288 #36828 #65289 #20026 #30028 #38480 #65292 #20998 #25104 #20004 #37096 #20998 #65292 #20043 #2*** #30340 #21483 #20570;Point, #26159 #25191 #34892 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #31561 #24453 #26102 #38388 #65307 #20043 #21518 #30340 #21483 #20570;Bac
kSwing, #26159 #23436 #25104 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #26080 #29992 #21160 #30011;
By the great winds, I come..... 07-29-2009, 09:47 AM #
Member Join Date:
Jun 2009
未 #26469 #39764 #37117;
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Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
Nerf Me Plz
你 #38169 #20102;
虽 #28982 #34987 #21483 #20570 #21160 #30011;
但Atk Animatio #23601 #26159;DamagePoint和DamageBackSwing两 #37096 #20998 #32452 #25104 #30340 #65292 #20320 #21487 #20197 #25226 #25915;
击 #29702 #35299 #25104 #19968 #20010 #21160 #30011 #65292 #30001 #36896 #25104 #20260 #23475 #65288 #36817 #65289;/放 #20986 #25237 #23556 #29289 #65288 #36828 #65289 #20026 #30028 #38480 #65292 #20998 #25104 #20004 #37096 #20998 #65292 #20043 #2*** #30340 #21483 #20570;Point, #26159 #25191 #34892 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #31561 #24453 #26102 #38388 #65307 #20043 #21518 #30340 #21483 #20570;Bac
kSwing, #26159 #23436 #25104 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #26080 #29992 #21160 #30011;
这 #20010 #26159 #23448 #26041 #35299 #37322 #20040 #65311 #22240 #20026 #23601 #25105 #29702 #35299 #65292 #25105 #35273 #24471;Atk Animation=完 #25104 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #26080 #29992 #21160 #30011;
恩 #65292 #30475 #36215 #26469 #22909 #35937 #23601 #26159 #34987 #31216 #20026 #21518 #25671 #65311;
Who said girls ca ot be dota pros?
PDIH专 #29992 #32676 #65306;2082996 07-29-2009, 09:55 AM #
Member Join Date:
Jul 2009
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
这 #20010 #26159 #23448 #26041 #35299 #37322 #20040 #65311 #22240 #20026 #23601 #25105 #29702 #35299 #65292 #25105 #35273 #24471;Atk Animation=完 #25104 #25915 #20987 #21629 #20196 #30340 #26080 #29992 #21160 #30011;
恩 #65292 #30475 #36215 #26469 #22909 #35937 #23601 #26159 #34987 #31216 #20026 #21518 #25671 #65311;
Attack Animation: The actio that any unit must go through in order to release a physical attack, co isting of a damage point and damage backswing.
Damage Point - The animation from when the unit begi to attack and goes through the command. For ranged heroes, this is when the projectile is released, whereas for melee heroes the damage is dealt at the damage point.
Damage Backswing - The animation that finalizes the attack animation, its importance is nothing more than cosmetic. This is the portion of the attack that can and should be cancelled by i utting another command immediately after the damage point has pa ed.
相 #20449 #20320 #33021 #30475 #25026 #21543;
By the great winds, I come..... 07-29-2009, 11:32 PM #
Member Join Date:
Jun 2009
未 #26469 #39764 #37117;
Blog Entries:
Re: 求 #21161 #65292;attack animatio #26159 #20160 #20040 #24847 #24605;?
Originally Posted by
Nerf Me Plz
Damage Point - The animation from when the unit begi to attack and goes through the command. For ranged heroes, this is when the projectile is released, whereas for melee heroes the damage is dealt at the damage point
相 #20449 #20320 #33021 #30475 #25026 #21543;
恩 #12290;
这 #20010;DAMAGE POINT是 rojectile出 #25163 #30340 #37027 #19968 #30636 #38388 #20040 #65311 #37027 #23427 #35299 #37322 #35828 #26159;搘hen the unit begi to attack
