邹 恒 甫 (Zou Heng-fu)
国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金获得者(1998, 2002)
2008-12-04 15:48:23
  做一个有尊严的知识人 (2008-11-28 17:11:00)
  全文见《时代周报》(创刊号,2008-11-18) /di .a ?boardid=1&am id=2569693
  □ 原载时代周报
2008-12-04 08:30:42
  When new clients come to me, I ask them a few questio about risk. One is "What would you do if the value of your stocks fell by 50%?"
  The vast majority a wer that they would buy more stocks. So now that the market has lost about 40% of its value, why are some of these same clients clamoring to sell?
  Risk tolerance e and flows. From 2003 to 2007, U.S. stock prices nearly doubled and international shares nearly tripled.
  During such good years, you tend to believe that you have a high tolerance for risk. At times like these, your willingne to take chances dro sharply.
  Such mood swings can lead you to jump in and out of the market and chase good performance, with devastating results.
  According to a 2007 study of investor retur from 1991 to 2004 published in the Journal of Banking &am Finance, the average investor pays a 1.5-percentage-point a ual penalty for that kind of behavior.
  My advice is to never rely on a risk questio aire to tell you how much you should have in the market.
  I ask about risk tolerance only to make the point that hypothetically losing half of your portfolio doe 't i ire the same fear that actually losing it will.
  Your investment strategy should i tead be based on your goals, your time horizon and what you've saved so far. Succe will come from sticking to your plan.
  But as you're learning now, buying stocks is emotional. Your investments represent security and freedom. And as you watch your balances decline, you see your dreams fade too. Hence the nervous calls.
  What I'm saying is that while I can't make any promises, I wouldn't bet agai t capitalism over the long run. Chances are, you'll look back and see that this was a buying o ortunity.
  In times like these, you should push yourself to take more risk than feels comfortable. And in good times, go out on a limb le than you're inclined to.
  I'm feeling shock too. But I've bought more stock-index funds. It's scary, but it's also likely the right thing to do.
  The Mole is a certified financial pla er and certified public accountant who - in the interest of fairne - thinks you should know what goes on behind the scenes in financial pla ing. Want to make contact? E-mail
2008-12-03 06:54:31
  2007年06月25日08:18   《光华校友通讯》   
2008-12-03 06:49:58
, 2008-7-22)
, 2008-7-31)
, 2008-8-18)
, 2008-10-15)
, 2008-10-16)
, 2008-10-16)
, 2008-10-21)
,从中可以看到“1990年9月入牛津大学,读书,1992年获经济学硕士学位(M. Phil.), 1994年获博士学位(D. Phil.)”(见附件一)。这个简历是张维迎的没有当上光华正院长以前的。他当上光华正院长后的中文简历是 ?tid=15
。其中教育背景部分已经把“1992年获经济学硕士学位(M. Phil.), 1994年获博士学位(D. Phil.)”部分变成“1990.09-1994.08 ,牛津大学读经济学硕士、博士学位”。他当上光华正院长后的英文简历是 ?tid=15#General
,其中仍然是“He received his M. Phil. in economics in 1992 ”(见附件二)。
  牛津大学学位授予办公室主任Dr. David Brown 提供的证明文件(见附件一)显示张维迎是在1994年7月30日获得硕士学位。
  因此,张维迎简历中“1992年获经济学硕士学位(M. Phil.)”存在造假。
  光华官方网站上的张维迎的简历中提到他在牛津大学时期获得的一个奖:“硕士论文曾获1992年牛津大学经济学研究生最佳论文奖 (George We Medley Prize for the best thesis)。”对于该奖,在张维迎回国早期的几篇论文中的唯一一篇带有详细个人简介的论文《从现代企业理论看国有企业改革》(价格与市场,1995,(2))的作者小传中有如下文字:“在牛津大学读书期间,1992年因对企业理论研究的贡献,获牛津大学经济学研究生最佳论文奖 (George We Medley Prize for the best thesis)该奖为牛津大学所设的唯一的经济学研究生论文奖,每年授一名)”(见附件四)
   通过Google搜索发现芝加哥大学的经济学家Robert Shimer在其个人简历中(
)也出现了“1992 : George We Medley Prize for best M.Phil. thesis and George We Medley Prize for best written examination, Oxford University.” Shimer 教授是耶鲁大学的学士,牛津大学的硕士,MIT的博士,现在是芝加哥大学教授,经济学顶级刊物Journal of Political Economy的主编之一。
  根据张维迎论文的作者简介中描述的“每年授一名”。可以推断张维迎和Robert Shime教授肯定有一个人说了假话。因为张维迎自称“每年授一名“的奖不可能同时授给两个人。
  本人致信Shimer教授,询问他是否得到1992年George We Medley Prize for best M.Phil. thesis,Shimer教授回信表示他可以确认他自己获得了1992年的George We Medley Prize for best M.Phil. thesis 和 George We Medley Prize for best written examination 两个奖。对于张维迎是否同时也获得了1992年的George We Medley Prize for best M.Phil. thesis,Shimer教授表示由于年代久远,他已经记不清楚(见附件五)。
  Dear XXX:
  I won both the thesis prize and the examination prize in 1992. One or both prizes may have been shared--I honestly do not recall. I am sorry I ca ot help more.
  Robert Shimer
2008-12-03 06:19:21
丹青异彩 日志 职业社会
  2008-12-01 | 辣评:研究生卖猪肉是资本在骚包
  但是,这研究生卖的肉,我该如何一边挑挑拣拣,一边听他满口之乎者也外加yes or no式地产品介绍呢?蓦然回首,谁躲在阴影里呵呵有声?谁又在袖着手在寒风中瑟缩?
2008-12-03 05:57:49
  Oil eculation: It's back
  There's more of it today than there ever was this summer. And this time around, it really is making oil more expe ive.
  By Jon Birger
, senior writer
  December 1, 2008: 9:22 AM ET
  No more gas-price ikes
  NEW YORK (Fortune) -- With oil now at $50 a barrel, you no longer hear Congre complaining about oil eculators. The irony is there's probably more real eculation going on today than there ever was back in June and July.
  I'm talking about the type of eculation that involves hoarding oil today so it can be sold for more down the road. Today's eculators are actually buying oil. They're not merely fli ing futures contracts without taking delivery - which is what hedge funds and commodities index funds were doing when they were in the cro hairs of Congre this summer. As I've argued before
, investors who trade futures but never take delivery of actual oil can't have a material impact on oil prices because their trading affects neither su ly nor demand.
  What's different now is the structure of the futures market, which is giving big investors an incentive to buy and hold huge sums of crude. Specifically, the November 2009 price of oil is co iderably higher ($12 a barrel higher, to be precise) than the ot price - a scenario futures traders call a "contango" market. (The o osite scenario - ot prices higher than futures prices - is known as "backwardation.")
  "The steepening of the contango has opened up carry-trade arbitrage o ortunities that are slow to be closed due to co trained credit conditio ," Goldman Sachs wrote in a recent research report. Tra lation: this is a great time for investors to be hoarding oil.
  Today's market is giving Goldman clients and other well-heeled investors an o ortunity to buy oil in the ot market for $50 a barrel, sell it forward in the futures market for $62, and then pocket the $12-a-barrel difference, le storage costs.
  This type of oil investing was quite popular in 2005 and 2006 when, like today, the price of oil one year out was much higher than the ot price. Back then, contango trades were so popular that one of Morgan Stanley's top energy traders, Olav Refvik, leased so much oil storage that he earned the nickname "the King of New York Harbor."
  There's no question the investing strategies pursued by Refvik and others were pushing up oil prices. By putting large sums of oil into storage, they reduced the su ly available to co umers. By 2007, however, the gap between ot prices and futures vanished, and so did the o ortunity to profit from that difference. And the amount of oil held in inventory began to fall.
  Neverthele , Congre needed a scapegoat for rising oil prices and an easy target proved to be hedge funds and other investors da ling in oil futures. But these eudo- eculators were simply making a bet on the direction of price they weren't driving them. Their gai (or lo es) came out of the hides of the investors or airlines or oil companies on the other sides of their trades, not the oil-co uming public. Moreover, a lot of commodities hedge funds were actually making the wrong bets: According to Merrill Lynch, the average commodities hedge fund had a negative trailing 12-month return through June.
  Unlike futures fli ers, contango traders really do impact oil prices, yet they're getting a free pa . According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency, domestic oil inventories have risen 9% since oil prices peaked in early July. While some of that is attributable to the weak economy and slack energy demand, gasoline co umption declined only 5% over the same period and gasoline inventories have risen only 4%. (If you're wondering why contango traders would target crude oil but not gasoline, vaporization i ues make gasoline harder to store.)
  Demand for oil storage is so keen today that some big investors who can't secure storage on land have resorted to leasing supertankers and using them as floating oil tanks. For example, the U.S. oil trading firm Koch Su y &am Trading recently leased the 2-million-barrel-capacity Dubai Titan, a Koch oke erson confirms, the third supertanker Koch has leased this year.
  It's hard to quantify exactly much lower gas prices might be were it not for the current eculation. In the United States alone, crude oil inventories have increased by 27 million barrels since early July, the equivalent of about 200,000 barrels a day being pulled off the market. Based on the estimates I've seen, a 200,000 barrel-a-day decrease in su ly could raise gasoline prices by anywhere from 20 to 40 cents a gallon.
  For the average co umer, that's real money. But I bet you a barrel or two that actual oil eculators like Koch never get targeted by Congre the same way the hedge funds and index funds did this past summer.
  After all, who needs a scapegoat when gas is $1.90 a gallon?
2008-12-03 05:42:08
  There's an elephant in the room every time Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson ste to a podium to recount the serial emergency actio he and other top officials have taken (and, as revealed Monday, will continue to take) to prop up, bail out, jerry-rig, bolster, stabilize, or otherwise rescue capitalists and property owners.
  That invisible beast? America's free market.
  The events of the past six months are forcing Paulson (and everyone else) to do some hard, and agonizing, thinking about the faith we once had in the free market's ability to self-correct without sinking the economy. The end result will be a new and strange footprint on American politics, as a Bush administration that ditched its free-market dogma gives way to an Obama administration that ditches its leftist su orters to save capitalism.
  Yesterday, Bush's Treasury secretary opened a telling window onto his thinking about that vexing subject - and in the proce revealed just how much the financial crisis is already merging the economic voices of the two major parties. At a Fortune 500 Forum in Washington, Paulson was asked to reflect on le o learned over these past tumultuous months, and to define what co titutes a ropriate government intervention in the markets. "Are there some hard lines that you think about that should not be cro ed?" one executive asked.
  The former Goldman Sachs (GS
) CEO would have i ued a firm yes just a year ago. He's a lot le sure now. "Some of the things I've been part of have been very, very objectionable decisio ," Paulson averred, "but they haven't been difficult decisio " because the alternative would have been much worse. He added: "I look at some of the things that I have done as being e ential to preserve the free-market system."
  Then Paulson's a wer took an e ecially interesting turn. "Here's the way I think about regulation and the free market system," he said. "We need to get to a place in this country where no i titution is too big or too interco ected to fail...because regulation alone is never going to solve the problem. There's no regulator that's going to be so good they're going to be able to deal with or ferret out all the problems. So it takes balance between the right regulatory system and market discipline."
  "Only if we have the freedom to fail," Paulson i isted, "is there really going to be the freedom to succeed."
  Who does that sound like? One of President-elect Barack Obama's most liberal advisers, former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, recently wrote this on his blog: "Pardon me for asking, but if a company is too big to fail, maybe - just maybe - it's too big, period."
  Strange bedfellows
  This emerging philosophical common ground extends beyond labor-liberal Reich and Wall Street free-marketer Paulson. During the campaign, candidate Obama marched a cautious lock-step behind Paulson, from Bear Stear and AIG (
) to Fa ie Mae (
) and Freddie Mac (
) to the $700 billion plea to Congre for a system-wide bailout. Paulson, meanwhile, is sounding an awful lot like Obama - or is it the other way around? - with his repeated calls for a free market that is in "balance." And Obama is looking a lot like Paulson in his recruitment of Paulson protégé Timothy Geithner as his Treasury Secretary.
  Paulson's litany of prescriptio to update the nation's regulatory structure for the 21st century, which he repeated yesterday, could have been lifted from Obama's eech last ring at New York's Cooper Union: a Federal Reserve system empowered to monitor for system-wide risk, a federal check on state mortgage regulators, charters for hedge funds, expa ion of regulation to cover complicated i truments like credit default swa , more checks on rating agencies.
  "We need a full sweep of authority to deal with no ank i titutio ," Paulson said, "so we can have an orderly wind-down without threatening the system." He added that "much more needs to be done in really understanding the global imbalances and the huge flows of capital that help contribute to this."
  None of which Obama would disagree with. So this begs the question: Has the age-old political argument between state-friendly liberals and free-market co ervatives lost its juice? Is there no room in the center of American politics for free-market purists, just as there's been no room since the 1970s for leftist ideologues who question the free market?
  That's not a question Paulson is going to entertain right now. He says the focus needs to be on "recovery and repair" and that only when the financial crisis is in the rear-view mirror can we redraw firm lines between an unfettered market and an interventionist government.
  "It's hard to design the right prescription until you've worked your way through the problem...[and] make sure you understand the full extent of the problem and all the causes," said the Treasury secretary.
  Then he directly addre ed the elephant in the room. "This is not about the belief in markets. Markets are the only way, and every other system has been discredited. What we have to do now is fight to make this system work the way it needs to work."
2008-12-02 07:19:33
  Science 26 September 2008:
  Vol. 321. no. 5897, . 1788 - 1789
  DOI: 10.1126/science.1164688Prev
| Table of Contents
  Per ectives
  Can Neural Data Improve Economics?
  Eric Maskin
  Researchers are exploring how neurobiology can guide economic experiments and refine economic models.
  School of Social Science, I titute for Advanced Study, Ei tein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. E-mail:
  The editors suggest the following Related Resources on Science sites:
  In Science Magazine
  Understanding Overbidding: Using the Neural Circuitry of Reward to Design Economic Auctio   Mauricio R. Delgado, Andrew Schotter, Erkut Y. Ozbay, and Elizabeth A. Phel (26 September 2008)
  Science 321 (5897), 1849. [DOI: 10.1126/science.1158860]
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2008-12-02 05:36:35
  When China's President Hu Jintao
made his first official visit to Washington in April of 2006, he encountered a string of diplomatic afus that culminated in enduring several minutes of screaming from a protester admitted into the media stand. Still, U.S. officials say he and President George W. Bush
developed a genuine personal ra ort. At one point, Bush asked his counterpart which of the numerous challenges China faced was the most serious — which one kept Hu awake at night worrying. "Unemployment," Hu reportedly a wered without hesitating.
  China Stays Its Capitalist Course
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  A Blue Christmas at China’s North Pole
  I ide China’s Factories
  An Olympic Reprieve for China’s Convicts
  These days, Hu must be suffering from serious i omnia. When that meeting in Washington took place, China's economy was still expanding at a double-digit rate, creating enough jo every year that many of the 20 million new job seekers who entered the market found some sort of gainful employment. Now GDP growth has di ed to around 9%
and is expected to decline further as the worldwide financial crisis tra mogrifies into a global rece ion. Already, scores of Chinese factories producing co umer goods like toys and plastics goods have shuttered in the southern industrial powerhouse of Guangdong, and thousands of unemployed workers have made their di leasure known with rowdy demo tratio last month.
  It's a situation that is only going to get much worse in the next few months, as the number of unemployed balloo . According to estimates by the Dongguan City A ociation of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, 9,000 of the 45,000 factories in the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Shenzhen — the heart of China's industrial south — are expected to close before the Chinese New Year in late January. That could mean up to 2.7 million workers facing unemployment, the a ociation said. And they called that number "co ervative."
  Finding jo for millio of unemployed is "the biggest challenge [China's] leadership faces" says David Dollar, head of the World Bank's China office in Beijing. The current crisis has greatly accelerated a proce that was already underway as China's economy has been shedding low-level factory jo to tra ition to manufacturing higher value-added products and jo in the service industry. "In a way, the crisis could work out well for China. It has the potential to help in rebalancing the economy away from production" to the creation of more jo in the service sector, says Dollar. If GDP growth slows further to 8%, the government still can hit its job creation targets, but the eed with which the adjustment ha e will be critical, he says. "We're going to learn just how well the capital and labor markets work in China. The concern is if the adjustment is very quick, it could be difficult."
  There have already been indicatio of what exactly "difficult" might mean. On October 18, some three thousand laid-off migrant workers demo trated outside the gates of a shuttered toy factory owned by Hong Kong company Smart Union Group (Holdings). The workers were demanding the payment of over $3 million in back wages. With the factory managers a arently having fled to Hong Kong, the Dongguan city government was eventually forced to a ounce that it would guarantee their payment.
  That day, the protest pa ed peacefully. But the government's overriding concern is that such protests could become violent and even read. China,
by its own admi ion, suffers te of thousands of what the government describes as "ma incidents," or protests involving large numbers of demo trators, and the majority take place in the countryside. Should they begin to occur in the cities, "we would be witne ing the most severe challenge the Communist leadership has faced in many, many years," says Beijing based scholar Ru ell Leigh Moses. "Stability has been taken for granted by outsiders, but cadres are well aware of how dependent their power is on economic growth. This is a going to be a very real test of the government's capacity."
  A Blue Christmas at China's North Pole
  By Bill Powell / Dongguan
Friday, Nov. 28, 2008
  Factory workers smash an office during a protest over a labor di ute at Kaida toy factory in Dongguan, Guangdong province, China, on Nov. 25, 2008
  At about six o'clock Thursday evening, around what used to be quitting time for the day shift at the He Jun toy factory in Dongguan, China, 40-year-old Wei Dong Li made his way to the factory's front entrance, his three-year-old son Qian Jie tugging at his sleeve. The factory is now closed; a few security guards stand i ide the locked gate. Posted each evening at the front entrance is a sheaf of documents: the latest rulings from a local court on compe ation claims
filed by many of He Jun's 4,000 workers, Wei included. "They proce a few of them a day, so I come back every other day to check and see if my case is on the list," Wei says. He has no luck again. "I'll just wait some more," he says. "I have nothing else to do at this point."
  Why China Kee Picking on Sarkozy
  China's Worst Nightmare: Unemployment
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  China’s Worst Nightmare: Unemployment
  I ide China’s Factories
  A Death over Tainted Toys
  Dongguan, along with a handful of similar, nearby tow , is the real Santa's factory at the North Pole. A rawling, charmle city of 7.5 million that sits 80 km southeast of Guangzhou, the provincial capital of Guangdong in southern China, Dongguan produces a vast amount of the toys that will end up under Christmas trees around the world. Toys were one of the critical, low-wage, low-tech industries on which China built its economic ascent over the past 30 years. But as workers such as Wei know better than anyone, 2008 is the year that that part of China's miracle has come to an end
  It's been six weeks since He Jun, a Hong Kong-listed company, shuttered two of its biggest factories in China — suddenly and without any warning, former workers say. They were among the latest and largest factory closures in China's battered low-end industries: toy manufacturers, textile companies and shoe makers most prominent among them. China's steadily a reciating renmi i currency — which makes Chinese goods more expe ive in key exports markets like the U.S. — as well as higher costs embedded in a new labor law enacted last year were already wreaking havoc with companies that survived even in the best of times on the thi est of profit margi . Now, with a global rece ion gathering pace, the best of times are gone, and the pain in what had been booming areas in southern China is reading quickly. Fully half of China's toy exporters, which sent nearly $8 billion worth of Barbies and Thomas the Tank Engines to export markets in 2007, were driven out of busine in the first seven months of this year, Beijing's General Administration of Customs said in a recent report. In the city of Shenzhen, the other major manufacturing center in Guangdong province, 50,000 people have already lost their jo this year. And in Beijing last week, Zhang Ping, chairman of the National Development and Reform. Commi ion, the nation's key economic policy-making body, bluntly warned that "exce ive production cuts and busine closures will cause ma ive unemployment and that will lead to i tability."
  In Dongguan, it already has. Earlier last week, on the evening of November 25, another large toy manufacturer here, Kai Da Manufacturing, laid off more than 600 of its workers because of slowing production. According to participants and eyewitne es to what followed, a large group of the workers gathered in the front courtyard of the factory demanding to know what compe ation they would receive. At first, a company manager told them that anyone with a good work record and le than five years service would receive le than 10,000 RMB—le than $1,500 at today's exchange rates. Anyone with over seven years on the line and a good record would get 12,300 RMB or about $1,800.
  Those gathered were furious at what one worker, who gave his name as Mr. Shao (he declined to provide his full name), described as "the pittance they are offering us." They refused to leave the plant, and according to eyewitne es, security guards started to get aggre ive, pushing and shoving them to leave. At that point, Shao says, "things got out of control." Workers fought back agai t the security guards, who quickly called the local police for a istance. Then more workers joined in. Some moved into the factory's office and began breaking windows and computers. When the police showed up, they were immediately on the defe ive. Two squad cars were overturned and trashed, as were five police motorcycles. The police called in reinforcements, and five workers ended up getting beaten badly, an eyewitne said. (Dongguan police declined comment on the riot.) The violence lasted over an hour before police restored order.
  And order, above all, is what the Chinese government is concerned about. Episodes like the one at Kai Da in Dongguan have become jarringly frequent in southern China in recent months, and the NRDC's Zheng, in his pre conference yesterday in Beijing, made the government's nervou e plain. The central government is pre uring provincial authorities to make sure employers pay severance according to the law, and in cases where they don't, to step in and pay workers themselves. (Several provincial governments, according to Chinese pre reports, have in turn complained that they don't have the needed funds to make exte ive severance payments as the number of unemployed workers mounts.)
  That's the reason Wei Dong Li of He Jun shows up at the closed factory gate each evening, awaiting the court's ruling on how much he and others should be paid. "The [local] government has told us that this i ue will be resolved by the end of this month, so I should find something out soon from the court [about the severance]." But he acknowledges he doe 't have much faith that the authorities will come through with any a istance, and in the meantime, his money is ru ing out. "I've posted my resume online for a month now, but it's very hard to find a job around here these days. I've had no re o es."
  Soon, he acknowledged, he may have to join the exodus out of Guangdong province of migrant workers, now joble , headed back to their hometow in le pro erous parts of the country. This exodus — the reversal of more than two decades of migration from poor rural areas to faster-growing, coastal cities — is most visible at the Guangzhou train station, where hundreds of migrants, all bearing suitcases and sho ing bags crammed with all their worldly belongings, now sit outside for hours waiting to board their trai home. On the evening of Nov. 26, Zhang De Jun, 35, was one of them. For 10 years, he said, he worked in a sweater factory not far from Dongguan. His wife, seated next to him, worked in a toy factory, but had lost her job, too. Like millio of other migrants, Zhang said each month he'd send part of his salary of 2,000 RMB home to his extended family, who live outside Chongqing in Sichuan province. Asked what he will do when he gets back, Zhang took a drag on his cigarette and muttered: "I'll do what I used to do. I'll work in the fields."
  Since its reforms started 30 years ago, China ha 't been able to keep peasants down on the farm anymore — and that was a resounding sign of succe . Now, as Christmas a roaches, China's North Pole is shutting down, and millio may have to stream back to the farms. For the leaders in Beijing and in the provinces, that's not succe . That's trouble.
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  China’s Worst Nightmare: Unemployment
  I ide China’s Factories
  A Death over Tainted Toys
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2008-12-02 05:20:42
  Dow plunges 680 points
  Stocks slump on economic woes as U.S. rece ion is officially called.
  Feds to expand financial rescue
  Bernanke: Economic weakne to continue
  It's official: Rece ion since Dec. '07
  Dow plunges 600 points
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  Feels like the '80s
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  Black Friday blitz
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  NEW YORK ( -- Stocks tumbled Monday afternoon, with fears about the economy driving a selloff as manufacturing slumped to a 26-year low and the U.S. economy was officially declared to be a rece ion.
  The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU
) lost over 600 points - or 6.9% - with 10 minutes left in the se ion. The Standard &am Poor's 500 (SPX
) index fell 8% and the Nasdaq composite (COMP
) gave up around 7.5%.
  Stocks sold off from the opening bell and continued sliding as the se ion wore on. The economic news and the official declaration of the rece ion added to the selling, but the market was already primed for a selloff after last week's run, analysts said.
  After hitting multi-year lows a little over a week ago, the S&am P 500 rallied 19% through last Friday, while the Dow and Nasdaq both gained just under 17%.
  "We're going to continue to see this extreme volatility because there's no clear end in sight to all the crises," said Dean Barber, president at Barber Financial Group.
  In a report released Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research confirmed what many have long believed - that the nation is in a rece ion
. According to the NBER, the official body that calls economic cycles, the U.S. has been in a rece ion since December 2007.
  Speaking in the afternoon, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the economic weakne will continue
for some time, de ite the impact of the government's efforts to get money flowing again.
  Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, eaking at a Fortune 500 forum in the afternoon, said the federal government is looking to expand
the financial rescue program.
  Last week's gai followed the a ouncement of President-elect Obama's economic team and Citigroup's bailout. Positive reports on Black Friday also helped stocks at the end of last week. But market experts expect the critical holiday-sho ing period to be tepid.
  Economy: The I titute for Su ly Management said its November manufacturing index fell
to a 26-year low of 36.2 from 38.9 in October. That was worse than what economists were expecting, according to a survey from
  October co truction ending fell 1.2% versus a flat reading in the previous month. Economists thought ending would drop 1%.
  Global economic news was pretty grim as well, with manufacturing surveys in Britain and the euro zone showing a steep slowdown. A reading on China's manufacturing survey was equally worrisome.
  Asian markets
ended in mixed territory and European markets ended lower.
  Retail sales: Sho ers came out in droves over the weekend, motivated by pent-up demand and deep discounts, but the surge is not expected to last.
  Including "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving, sho ers ent $41 billion in the four-day holiday weekend, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), an industry trade group. The average sho er ent $372.57, up 7.2% from a year ago.
  However, overall 2008 holiday ending is expected to rise just 2.2%
from a year ago, the smallest gain in six years.
  Thursday's November retail sales reports from the nation's chain stores will be critical, as they include the four-day holiday weekend, said Dave Rovelli, managing director of U.S. equity trading at Canaccord Adams.
  "If they don't report a lift up in same-store sales, even with Black Friday included, that's going to be a big negative for the (stock) market," Rovelli said.
  Same-store sales is an industry metric that refers to sales at stores open a year or more.
  Early reports
suggest "Cyber Monday" online sho ing sales are on track to be flat or slightly higher versus a year ago.
  Co umer ending drives two-thirds of economic growth, and the pullback has exacerbated the economic slowdown.
  Obama: The president-elect a ounced his national security team. As expected, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., was nominated Secretary of State and current Defe e Secretary Robert Gates was asked to stay on. Retired Marine Gen. James Jones was nominated as national security adviser, Eric Holder was picked for Attorney General and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano was the choice for Secretary of Homeland Security. (Full story
  Automakers: GM (GM
, Fortune 500
) and Ford (F
, Fortune 500
) gained last week on growing bets that they, along with Chrysler, will receive a government bailout. But the stocks tumbled Monday in tune with the broader market.
  The auto industry's first pitch to Congre was rebuffed, but there is increased eculation that its second pitch will be more succe ful.
  The companies have until Tuesday to submit proposals for how they would use $25 billion in taxpayer money to make their companies "viable." The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to host a hearing Thursday, while the House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing Friday.
  Other movers: Joh on &am Joh on (JNJ
, Fortune 500
) said it will buy
breast implant maker Mentor (MNT
) for $1.07 billion, or $31 a share, nearly double the company's closing price from Friday. Dow stock J&am J fell 3%, while Mentor gained 89%.
  Stock declines were broa


